Date: 12 Apr 2007 14:32:47
From: [email protected]
Subject: Rybka Vs. Novag Star Sapphire, Centre Counter
[Event "Computer chess game"]
[Site "Arena"]
[Date "2007.04.12"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Novag Star Sapphire, 20Mhz, H8, book on"]
[Black "Rybka v1.0 Beta.w32, 1.6 ghz AMD, book off"]
[Result "0-1"]
[TimeControl "40/9000:40/9000:40/9000"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]

1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Nf6 {(Ng8f6 Bf1b5+ Nb8d7 d2d4 g7g6 Nb1c3 Bf8g7 Ng1f3
00) -0.09/15 209} 3. c4 e6 {(e7e6 d5xe6 Bc8xe6 d2d4 Bf8b4+ Nb1c3 00
Rf8e8 Ng1e2) -0.07/14 178} 4. d4 Bb4 {(Bf8b4+ Nb1c3 e6xd5 Ng1f3 00
Nb8c6 00 Rf8e8 Bc1e3) +0.16/14 244} 5. Bd2 Bxd2 {(Bb4xd2+ Nb1xd2 e6xd5
Bf1e2 00 Ng1f3 Nb8c6 00 Rf8e8 Rf1e1) +0.21/14 145} 6. Nxd2 exd5
Bf1e2 00 Ng1f3 Nb8c6 00 Rf8e8 Rf1e1 Bc8f5 Qd1b3) +0.24/15 250} 7. Qe2
{(Bc8e6 Ng1f3 00 Qe2d3 Rf8e8 Bf1e2 g7g6 c4xd5 Qd8xd5 00) +0.67/15 213}
c5 O-O {(00 Qe2d3 Nb8c6 Ng1e2 Rf8e8 f2f3 a7a5 Ke1f2 Nf6h5 g2g4)
166} 9. O-O-O Nc6 {(Nb8c6 Qe2d3 Rf8e8 Ng1e2 Qd8d7 f2f3 Be6f5 Qd3a3
g2g4) +1.07/15 188} 10. Ngf3 Re8 {(Rf8e8 h2h3 Be6d7 Nf3e5 Nc6xd4 Qe2e3
Nd4c6 Nd2f3 Qd8e7 Ne5xd7) +1.40/16 201} 11. Qb5 Ng4 {(Nf6g4 Rd1e1
Rh1g1 Ng4xf2 Qb5e2 Nf2g4 Qe2b5 Nc6xd4 Qb5a4) +1.71/16 334} 12. Re1 Qf6
{(Qd8f6 Bf1d3 Ng4xf2 Rh1f1 Nc6xd4 Nf3xd4) +2.31/15 144} 13. Qxb7 Nxd4
{(Nc6xd4 Qb7xc7 Re8c8 Qc7a5 Ra8b8 Qa5c3 Nd4xf3 g2xf3 Qf6xc3+ b2xc3)
+2.91/14 82} 14. Qxc7 Nxf2 {(Ng4xf2 Bf1a6 Nf2xh1 Re1xh1 Ra8b8 Nf3e5
+3.95/14 183} 15. Rg1 Bf5 {(Be6f5 Re1xe8+ Ra8xe8 Qc7f4 g7g6 Nd2b3
g2xf3 Re8e1+ Kc1d2) +3.98/13 124} 16. Qa5 Rxe1 {(Re8xe1+ Nf3xe1 Qf6e7
Ra8c8 Nd2c4 Nd4xc2 g2g4 Rc8xc5 Qa5d2) +6.26/11 71} 17. Nxe1 Qe7
Ne1c2) +8.11/15 390} 18. Nc2 Nxc2 {(Nd4xc2 Bf1a6 Ra8e8 Nd2f3 Qe7e3+
Qe3xc5 Qd2c3 Qc5b6 Ba6b5) +10.12/14 131} 19. Ba6 Re8 {(Ra8e8 Nd2f3
Qa5d2 Qe3xc5 Qd2c3 Qc5b6 g2g4 Nc2b4 Qc3xb4) +11.09/14 173} 20. b3 Qe5
{(Qe7e5 Qa5a4 Nc2b4 Qa4xe8+ Qe5xe8 Rg1f1 Qe8e5 Rf1xf2 Nb4xa2+)
+M384/10 41}
21. g4 Qa1 22. Nb1 Na3 23. Qc3 Qxb1 24. Kd2 Ne4 25. Ke2 Qxa2 26. Ke1
27. Kd1 Nxc3 28. Kc1 Na2 29. Kd1 Qxg1 30. Bf1 Qxf1 31. Kd2 Nb1 {Mate}

[Event "Computer chess game"]
[Site "Arena"]
[Date "2007.04.12"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Rybka v1.0 Beta.w32, 1.6 ghz AMD, book off"]
[White "Novag Star Sapphire, 20Mhz, H8, book on"]
[Result "1-0"]
[TimeControl "40/9000:40/9000:40/9000"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]
1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Nf6 3. Bb5 {(Bf1b5+ Nb8d7 Nb1c3 g7g6 Ng1f3 Bf8g7 00
d2d4 Nd7b6) +0.09/14 180} Bd7 4. Bc4 {(Bb5c4 b7b5 Bc4b3 a7a5 a2a4 b5b4
Ng1f3 c7c6 d5xc6 Nb8xc6) +0.15/16 247} Bg4 5. Nf3 {(Ng1f3 Nf6xd5 Nb1c3
00 Nb8c6 h2h3 Bg4h5 Bc4xd5 e6xd5) +0.15/16 630} Nxd5 6. Nc3 {(Nb1c3
e7e6 00
Nb8c6 h2h3 Bg4h5 Bc4xd5 e6xd5 Rf1e1+ Bf8e7) +0.13/15 212} Nxc3 7. bxc3
{(b2xc3 e7e6 h2h3 Bg4f5 Nf3d4 Bf5g6 Ra1b1 Nb8d7 00 Ra8b8) +0.53/15
150} e6
8. h3 {(h2h3 Bg4f5 00 Nb8d7 d2d4 Bf8d6 Ra1b1 00 Rb1xb7 Nd7b6) +0.47/16
Bf5 9. Nd4 {(Nf3d4 Bf5g6 Qd1f3 Nb8d7 Ra1b1 Bf8d6 Rb1xb7 00 Nd4c6
+0.44/15 333} Qf6 10. Qf3 {(Qd1f3 Nb8d7 Nd4xf5 Qf6xf5 Qf3xf5 e6xf5 00
Ra1b1 Ra8b8) +0.92/15 240} Qe5 11. Kd1 {(Ke1d1 000 Nd4xf5 e6xf5 Ra1b1
d2d4 Qe5f6 Qf3h5 g7g6) +0.99/16 226} Nc6 12. Nxc6 {(Nd4xc6 Qe5c5 Nc6d4
Qc5xc4 Nd4xf5 e6xf5 Rh1e1+ Ke8d7 d2d3 Qc4c5) +1.96/15 166} Qc5 13. Nd4
{(Nc6d4 Qc5xc4 Nd4xf5 e6xf5 Rh1e1+ Ke8d7 d2d3 Qc4c5 d3d4 Qc5c4)
126} Qxc4 14. Nxf5 {(Nd4xf5 e6xf5 Qf3xb7 Ra8d8 Rh1e1+ Ke8d7 Qb7b3
a2xb3 Rd8a8) +1.99/15 107} exf5 15. Qxb7 {(Qf3xb7 Ra8d8 Rh1e1+ Ke8d7
Qc4xb3 a2xb3 Bf8c5 Re1e5 Bc5b6) +2.07/16 243} Rd8 16. Re1 {(Rh1e1+
Qb7b3 Qc4xb3 a2xb3 Bf8d6 Ra1xa7 Rd8a8 Ra7xa8 Rh8xa8) +2.11/16 159} Kd7
Qb3 {(Qb7b3 Qc4xb3 a2xb3 g7g6 d2d4 Rd8a8 Bc1g5 Bf8d6 Kd1d2 h7h6)
309} Qxb3 18. axb3 {(a2xb3 Bf8d6 Ra1xa7 Rd8a8 Ra7xa8 Rh8xa8 d2d4 c7c6
Ra8a1) +2.19/16 40} Bc5 19. Re5 {(Re1e5 Bc5b6 Re5xf5 f7f6 Rf5d5+ Kd7c8
Rd5xd8+ Rh8xd8 Kd1e2 Rd8e8+) +2.42/17 170} Bb6 20. Rxf5 {(Re5xf5 f7f6
Rf5d5+ Kd7c8 Rd5xd8+ Rh8xd8 Kd1e2 Rd8e8+ Ke2f1 c7c5) +2.57/17 253} Ke6
Rf3 {(Rf5f3 f7f6 Kd1e2 Ke6f7 d2d4 Rd8d7 b3b4 Rh8a8 Bc1d2 a7a5)
315} c6 22. Ke2 {(Kd1e2 f7f6 d2d4 Ke6f7 Rf3e3 c6c5 d4xc5 Bb6xc5 Re3d3
Rd8e8+) +2.76/15 180} f6 23. d4 {(d2d4 Ke6f7 Rf3e3 Rd8d7 Re3e4 c6c5
c5xd4 c3xd4 g7g5) +2.81/16 203} c5 24. dxc5 {(d4xc5 Bb6xc5 b3b4 Bc5b6
Rd8a8 c4c5 Bb6c7 Ra1a6+ Ke6f7) +3.72/17 178} Bxc5 25. Be3 {(Bc1e3
c3c4 Rh8e8 c4c5 Bb6c7 Ra1xa7 Bc7e5 Be3d2 Be5d4) +3.62/16 173} Bd6 26.
{(Be3xa7 Bd6e5 Ra1a6+ Rd8d6 Ra6xd6+ Be5xd6 Rf3e3+ Ke6d7 Ba7d4 Rh8a8)
+3.77/16 624} Be5 27. Ra6 {(Ra1a6+ Rd8d6 Ra6xd6+ Ke6xd6 Ke2d3 Rh8a8
Ra8a2 b3b4 h7h6) +3.82/16 227} Kf7 28. Bd4 {(Ba7d4 Rh8e8 Rf3e3 Rd8a8
Re8xa8 Ke2d3 Ra8e8 Re3e4 Be5d6) +3.97/15 131} Bb8 29. b4 {(b3b4 Rd8d5
Rd5d7 b4b5 Rh8e8+ Rf3e3 Re8c8 Ke2d3 Rc8d8) +4.11/16 183} Rd5 30. Rd3
{(Rf3d3 Rd5g5 g2g3 Rg5h5 h3h4 Rh8e8+ Rd3e3 Re8d8 Ra6a5 Rh5xa5)
295} Rg5 31. g3 {(g2g3 Rg5h5 h3h4 Rh8e8+ Rd3e3 Re8c8 Ra6b6 Kf7g6 Rb6b7
Rh5d5) +4.11/16 198} Re8 32. Re3 {(Rd3e3 Re8c8 Ra6b6 Kf7g6 b4b5 Rg5d5
Bb8d6 Ke2d3 Rd5xd4+) +4.17/17 209} Rd8 33. Rb6 {(Ra6b6 Kf7g6 b4b5
h3h4 Rh5d5 Rb6b7 Rd8c8 Re3d3 Rd5e5+) +4.17/16 313} Bd6 34. Rb7
Kf7g6 b4b5 Bd6a3 h3h4 Rg5d5 Re3e4 Kg6f5 Ke2d3 Rd5xd4+) +4.17/15 169}
35. f4 {(f2f4 Rg5d5 Re3d3 h7h5 Bd4e3 Rd5xd3 c2xd3 Kg6f5 Rb7b6 g7g5)
+4.32/16 252} Rf5 36. Rd3 {(Re3d3 Rd8b8 Rb7xb8 Bd6xb8 Ke2f3 Rf5h5 h3h4
Bb8d6 Bd4e3 Bd6f8) +4.83/17 243} Rd5 37. c4 {(c3c4 Rd8e8+ Bd4e3 Rd5xd3
Ke2xd3 Re8d8 Be3d4 h7h6 c4c5 h6h5) +4.89/17 161} Re8 38. Be3 {(Bd4e3
Ke2xd3 Re8d8 Be3d4 h7h5 c4c5 h5h4 c5xd6 h4xg3) +4.89/17 212} Rxd3 39.
{(Ke2xd3 Re8d8 Be3d4 h7h5 c4c5 h5h4 c5xd6 h4xg3 f4f5+ Kg6xf5) +4.89/18
Rd8 40. Bd4 {(Be3d4 Rd8b8 Rb7xb8 Bd6xb8 b4b5 h7h5 c4c5 Kg6f7 c5c6
+4.99/17 230} Bf8 41. c5 {(c4c5 h7h5 Kd3c4 Rd8c8 Rb7d7 Kg6f5 b4b5
Rd7d5+ Kf5e6) +5.05/16 200} Kf5 42. g4 {(g3g4+ Kf5xf4 c5c6 h7h5 g4xh5
b4b5 Kf4f5 Rb7d7 Bd6c7) +5.77/17 165} Kxf4 43. c6 {(c5c6 Rd8c8 b4b5
Rb7xg7 f6f5 g4g5 h7h6 h3h4 h6xg5) +6.04/17 333} Rc8 44. b5 {(b4b5
Rb7d7 Bd6b8 Rd7xg7 h7h5 g4xh5 Rc8e8 c6c7 Bb8xc7) +5.90/16 214} Bd6 45.
{(Rb7d7 Bd6b8 Rd7xg7 h7h6 Kd3c4 Bb8c7 Kc4c5 Rc8e8 Rg7d7 h6h5) +5.77/15
Be5 46. Bxe5 {(Bd4xe5+ Kf4xe5 Kd3c4 Ke5e6 Kc4c5 Rc8a8 Rd7xg7 f6f5 c6c7
Ke6f6) +11.03/18 186} Kxe5 47. Kc4 {(Kd3c4 Ke5e6 Kc4c5 Rc8a8 Rd7xg7
c6c7 Ke6f6 b5b6 Ra8a2) +11.09/18 184} h5 48. Kc5 {(Kc4c5 h5xg4 h3xg4
g4xf5 Rc8a8 c6c7 g7g5 Rd7d8 Ra8a3) +12.13/16 159} hxg4 49. hxg4
Ke5e6 b5b6 Rc8a8 b6b7 Ra8a5+ Kc5b6 Ra5a2 b7b8Q Ra2b2+) +15.93/17 335}
50. b6 {(b5b6) +M384/17 297} Re8 51. b7 {(b6b7 g7g6 Rd7d3 Ke6f7 c6c7
Rd3d5 Re5e2 c7c8Q Re2xc2+) +M384/10 0} f5 52. gxf5 {(g4xf5+ Ke6xf5
Re8g8 b7b8Q) +M384/6 0} Kxf5 53. c7 {(c6c7 Re8g8 b7b8Q) +M384/5 0} Re2
c8=Q {(c7c8Q Re2xc2+ Kc5d4 Rc2d2+ Kd4c3) +M384/7 0} Rxc2 55. Kd4
Rc2d2+ Kd4c3) +M384/5 0} Rd2 56. Ke3 {(Kd4e3) +M384/5 0} Re2 57. Kxe2
58. b8=Q g5 59. Qf8 Kg4 60. Rd4 Kh5 61. Qh2 Kg6 62. Qh5 Kxh5 63. Qf7
64. Rd6 {Mate} 1-0

Date: 22 Apr 2007 21:39:21
From: SAT W-7
Subject: Re: Rybka Vs. Novag Star Sapphire, Centre Counter
Post more Rybka vs other computers ..


Date: 23 Apr 2007 08:12:43
From: Chess Sadist
Subject: Re: Rybka Vs. Novag Star Sapphire, Centre Counter

"SAT W-7" <[email protected] > wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Post more Rybka vs other computers ..

How about Rybka vs that electronic patzer "Tasc R30". That should produce a
few interesting miniatures!


Date: 23 Apr 2007 02:03:40
From: Chess Sadist
Subject: Re: Rybka Vs. Novag Star Sapphire, Centre Counter
You put a chuwawa up against a rotweiller and the predictable result came to
fruition. Are we supposed to be surprised?


<[email protected] > wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> [Event "Computer chess game"]
> [Site "Arena"]
> [Date "2007.04.12"]
> [Round "?"]
> [White "Novag Star Sapphire, 20Mhz, H8, book on"]
> [Black "Rybka v1.0 Beta.w32, 1.6 ghz AMD, book off"]
> [Result "0-1"]
> [TimeControl "40/9000:40/9000:40/9000"]
> [WhiteType "program"]
> [BlackType "program"]
> 1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Nf6 {(Ng8f6 Bf1b5+ Nb8d7 d2d4 g7g6 Nb1c3 Bf8g7 Ng1f3
> 00
> 00) -0.09/15 209} 3. c4 e6 {(e7e6 d5xe6 Bc8xe6 d2d4 Bf8b4+ Nb1c3 00
> Bf1d3
> Rf8e8 Ng1e2) -0.07/14 178} 4. d4 Bb4 {(Bf8b4+ Nb1c3 e6xd5 Ng1f3 00
> Bf1e2
> Nb8c6 00 Rf8e8 Bc1e3) +0.16/14 244} 5. Bd2 Bxd2 {(Bb4xd2+ Nb1xd2 e6xd5
> Bf1e2 00 Ng1f3 Nb8c6 00 Rf8e8 Rf1e1) +0.21/14 145} 6. Nxd2 exd5
> {(e6xd5
> Bf1e2 00 Ng1f3 Nb8c6 00 Rf8e8 Rf1e1 Bc8f5 Qd1b3) +0.24/15 250} 7. Qe2
> Be6
> {(Bc8e6 Ng1f3 00 Qe2d3 Rf8e8 Bf1e2 g7g6 c4xd5 Qd8xd5 00) +0.67/15 213}
> 8.
> c5 O-O {(00 Qe2d3 Nb8c6 Ng1e2 Rf8e8 f2f3 a7a5 Ke1f2 Nf6h5 g2g4)
> +0.87/15
> 166} 9. O-O-O Nc6 {(Nb8c6 Qe2d3 Rf8e8 Ng1e2 Qd8d7 f2f3 Be6f5 Qd3a3
> a7a5
> g2g4) +1.07/15 188} 10. Ngf3 Re8 {(Rf8e8 h2h3 Be6d7 Nf3e5 Nc6xd4 Qe2e3
> Nd4c6 Nd2f3 Qd8e7 Ne5xd7) +1.40/16 201} 11. Qb5 Ng4 {(Nf6g4 Rd1e1
> Qd8f6
> Rh1g1 Ng4xf2 Qb5e2 Nf2g4 Qe2b5 Nc6xd4 Qb5a4) +1.71/16 334} 12. Re1 Qf6
> {(Qd8f6 Bf1d3 Ng4xf2 Rh1f1 Nc6xd4 Nf3xd4) +2.31/15 144} 13. Qxb7 Nxd4
> {(Nc6xd4 Qb7xc7 Re8c8 Qc7a5 Ra8b8 Qa5c3 Nd4xf3 g2xf3 Qf6xc3+ b2xc3)
> +2.91/14 82} 14. Qxc7 Nxf2 {(Ng4xf2 Bf1a6 Nf2xh1 Re1xh1 Ra8b8 Nf3e5
> Rb8c8)
> +3.95/14 183} 15. Rg1 Bf5 {(Be6f5 Re1xe8+ Ra8xe8 Qc7f4 g7g6 Nd2b3
> Nd4xf3
> g2xf3 Re8e1+ Kc1d2) +3.98/13 124} 16. Qa5 Rxe1 {(Re8xe1+ Nf3xe1 Qf6e7
> Ne1c2
> Ra8c8 Nd2c4 Nd4xc2 g2g4 Rc8xc5 Qa5d2) +6.26/11 71} 17. Nxe1 Qe7
> {(Qf6e7
> Ne1c2) +8.11/15 390} 18. Nc2 Nxc2 {(Nd4xc2 Bf1a6 Ra8e8 Nd2f3 Qe7e3+
> Qa5d2
> Qe3xc5 Qd2c3 Qc5b6 Ba6b5) +10.12/14 131} 19. Ba6 Re8 {(Ra8e8 Nd2f3
> Qe7e3+
> Qa5d2 Qe3xc5 Qd2c3 Qc5b6 g2g4 Nc2b4 Qc3xb4) +11.09/14 173} 20. b3 Qe5
> {(Qe7e5 Qa5a4 Nc2b4 Qa4xe8+ Qe5xe8 Rg1f1 Qe8e5 Rf1xf2 Nb4xa2+)
> +M384/10 41}
> 21. g4 Qa1 22. Nb1 Na3 23. Qc3 Qxb1 24. Kd2 Ne4 25. Ke2 Qxa2 26. Ke1
> Qf2
> 27. Kd1 Nxc3 28. Kc1 Na2 29. Kd1 Qxg1 30. Bf1 Qxf1 31. Kd2 Nb1 {Mate}
> 0-1
> [Event "Computer chess game"]
> [Site "Arena"]
> [Date "2007.04.12"]
> [Round "?"]
> [White "Rybka v1.0 Beta.w32, 1.6 ghz AMD, book off"]
> [White "Novag Star Sapphire, 20Mhz, H8, book on"]
> [Result "1-0"]
> [TimeControl "40/9000:40/9000:40/9000"]
> [WhiteType "program"]
> [BlackType "program"]
> 1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Nf6 3. Bb5 {(Bf1b5+ Nb8d7 Nb1c3 g7g6 Ng1f3 Bf8g7 00
> 00
> d2d4 Nd7b6) +0.09/14 180} Bd7 4. Bc4 {(Bb5c4 b7b5 Bc4b3 a7a5 a2a4 b5b4
> Ng1f3 c7c6 d5xc6 Nb8xc6) +0.15/16 247} Bg4 5. Nf3 {(Ng1f3 Nf6xd5 Nb1c3
> e7e6
> 00 Nb8c6 h2h3 Bg4h5 Bc4xd5 e6xd5) +0.15/16 630} Nxd5 6. Nc3 {(Nb1c3
> e7e6 00
> Nb8c6 h2h3 Bg4h5 Bc4xd5 e6xd5 Rf1e1+ Bf8e7) +0.13/15 212} Nxc3 7. bxc3
> {(b2xc3 e7e6 h2h3 Bg4f5 Nf3d4 Bf5g6 Ra1b1 Nb8d7 00 Ra8b8) +0.53/15
> 150} e6
> 8. h3 {(h2h3 Bg4f5 00 Nb8d7 d2d4 Bf8d6 Ra1b1 00 Rb1xb7 Nd7b6) +0.47/16
> 287}
> Bf5 9. Nd4 {(Nf3d4 Bf5g6 Qd1f3 Nb8d7 Ra1b1 Bf8d6 Rb1xb7 00 Nd4c6
> Qd8h4)
> +0.44/15 333} Qf6 10. Qf3 {(Qd1f3 Nb8d7 Nd4xf5 Qf6xf5 Qf3xf5 e6xf5 00
> Ke8e7
> Ra1b1 Ra8b8) +0.92/15 240} Qe5 11. Kd1 {(Ke1d1 000 Nd4xf5 e6xf5 Ra1b1
> c7c6
> d2d4 Qe5f6 Qf3h5 g7g6) +0.99/16 226} Nc6 12. Nxc6 {(Nd4xc6 Qe5c5 Nc6d4
> Qc5xc4 Nd4xf5 e6xf5 Rh1e1+ Ke8d7 d2d3 Qc4c5) +1.96/15 166} Qc5 13. Nd4
> {(Nc6d4 Qc5xc4 Nd4xf5 e6xf5 Rh1e1+ Ke8d7 d2d3 Qc4c5 d3d4 Qc5c4)
> +2.00/15
> 126} Qxc4 14. Nxf5 {(Nd4xf5 e6xf5 Qf3xb7 Ra8d8 Rh1e1+ Ke8d7 Qb7b3
> Qc4xb3
> a2xb3 Rd8a8) +1.99/15 107} exf5 15. Qxb7 {(Qf3xb7 Ra8d8 Rh1e1+ Ke8d7
> Qb7b3
> Qc4xb3 a2xb3 Bf8c5 Re1e5 Bc5b6) +2.07/16 243} Rd8 16. Re1 {(Rh1e1+
> Ke8d7
> Qb7b3 Qc4xb3 a2xb3 Bf8d6 Ra1xa7 Rd8a8 Ra7xa8 Rh8xa8) +2.11/16 159} Kd7
> 17.
> Qb3 {(Qb7b3 Qc4xb3 a2xb3 g7g6 d2d4 Rd8a8 Bc1g5 Bf8d6 Kd1d2 h7h6)
> +2.14/17
> 309} Qxb3 18. axb3 {(a2xb3 Bf8d6 Ra1xa7 Rd8a8 Ra7xa8 Rh8xa8 d2d4 c7c6
> c3c4
> Ra8a1) +2.19/16 40} Bc5 19. Re5 {(Re1e5 Bc5b6 Re5xf5 f7f6 Rf5d5+ Kd7c8
> Rd5xd8+ Rh8xd8 Kd1e2 Rd8e8+) +2.42/17 170} Bb6 20. Rxf5 {(Re5xf5 f7f6
> Rf5d5+ Kd7c8 Rd5xd8+ Rh8xd8 Kd1e2 Rd8e8+ Ke2f1 c7c5) +2.57/17 253} Ke6
> 21.
> Rf3 {(Rf5f3 f7f6 Kd1e2 Ke6f7 d2d4 Rd8d7 b3b4 Rh8a8 Bc1d2 a7a5)
> +2.64/16
> 315} c6 22. Ke2 {(Kd1e2 f7f6 d2d4 Ke6f7 Rf3e3 c6c5 d4xc5 Bb6xc5 Re3d3
> Rd8e8+) +2.76/15 180} f6 23. d4 {(d2d4 Ke6f7 Rf3e3 Rd8d7 Re3e4 c6c5
> Bc1e3
> c5xd4 c3xd4 g7g5) +2.81/16 203} c5 24. dxc5 {(d4xc5 Bb6xc5 b3b4 Bc5b6
> c3c4
> Rd8a8 c4c5 Bb6c7 Ra1a6+ Ke6f7) +3.72/17 178} Bxc5 25. Be3 {(Bc1e3
> Bc5b6
> c3c4 Rh8e8 c4c5 Bb6c7 Ra1xa7 Bc7e5 Be3d2 Be5d4) +3.62/16 173} Bd6 26.
> Bxa7
> {(Be3xa7 Bd6e5 Ra1a6+ Rd8d6 Ra6xd6+ Be5xd6 Rf3e3+ Ke6d7 Ba7d4 Rh8a8)
> +3.77/16 624} Be5 27. Ra6 {(Ra1a6+ Rd8d6 Ra6xd6+ Ke6xd6 Ke2d3 Rh8a8
> Ba7d4
> Ra8a2 b3b4 h7h6) +3.82/16 227} Kf7 28. Bd4 {(Ba7d4 Rh8e8 Rf3e3 Rd8a8
> Ra6xa8
> Re8xa8 Ke2d3 Ra8e8 Re3e4 Be5d6) +3.97/15 131} Bb8 29. b4 {(b3b4 Rd8d5
> Ra6a5
> Rd5d7 b4b5 Rh8e8+ Rf3e3 Re8c8 Ke2d3 Rc8d8) +4.11/16 183} Rd5 30. Rd3
> {(Rf3d3 Rd5g5 g2g3 Rg5h5 h3h4 Rh8e8+ Rd3e3 Re8d8 Ra6a5 Rh5xa5)
> +4.10/16
> 295} Rg5 31. g3 {(g2g3 Rg5h5 h3h4 Rh8e8+ Rd3e3 Re8c8 Ra6b6 Kf7g6 Rb6b7
> Rh5d5) +4.11/16 198} Re8 32. Re3 {(Rd3e3 Re8c8 Ra6b6 Kf7g6 b4b5 Rg5d5
> Rb6b7
> Bb8d6 Ke2d3 Rd5xd4+) +4.17/17 209} Rd8 33. Rb6 {(Ra6b6 Kf7g6 b4b5
> Rg5h5
> h3h4 Rh5d5 Rb6b7 Rd8c8 Re3d3 Rd5e5+) +4.17/16 313} Bd6 34. Rb7
> {(Rb6b7+
> Kf7g6 b4b5 Bd6a3 h3h4 Rg5d5 Re3e4 Kg6f5 Ke2d3 Rd5xd4+) +4.17/15 169}
> Kg6
> 35. f4 {(f2f4 Rg5d5 Re3d3 h7h5 Bd4e3 Rd5xd3 c2xd3 Kg6f5 Rb7b6 g7g5)
> +4.32/16 252} Rf5 36. Rd3 {(Re3d3 Rd8b8 Rb7xb8 Bd6xb8 Ke2f3 Rf5h5 h3h4
> Bb8d6 Bd4e3 Bd6f8) +4.83/17 243} Rd5 37. c4 {(c3c4 Rd8e8+ Bd4e3 Rd5xd3
> Ke2xd3 Re8d8 Be3d4 h7h6 c4c5 h6h5) +4.89/17 161} Re8 38. Be3 {(Bd4e3
> Rd5xd3
> Ke2xd3 Re8d8 Be3d4 h7h5 c4c5 h5h4 c5xd6 h4xg3) +4.89/17 212} Rxd3 39.
> Kxd3
> {(Ke2xd3 Re8d8 Be3d4 h7h5 c4c5 h5h4 c5xd6 h4xg3 f4f5+ Kg6xf5) +4.89/18
> 314}
> Rd8 40. Bd4 {(Be3d4 Rd8b8 Rb7xb8 Bd6xb8 b4b5 h7h5 c4c5 Kg6f7 c5c6
> Kf7e7)
> +4.99/17 230} Bf8 41. c5 {(c4c5 h7h5 Kd3c4 Rd8c8 Rb7d7 Kg6f5 b4b5
> Bf8xc5
> Rd7d5+ Kf5e6) +5.05/16 200} Kf5 42. g4 {(g3g4+ Kf5xf4 c5c6 h7h5 g4xh5
> Bf8d6
> b4b5 Kf4f5 Rb7d7 Bd6c7) +5.77/17 165} Kxf4 43. c6 {(c5c6 Rd8c8 b4b5
> Bf8d6
> Rb7xg7 f6f5 g4g5 h7h6 h3h4 h6xg5) +6.04/17 333} Rc8 44. b5 {(b4b5
> Bf8d6
> Rb7d7 Bd6b8 Rd7xg7 h7h5 g4xh5 Rc8e8 c6c7 Bb8xc7) +5.90/16 214} Bd6 45.
> Rd7
> {(Rb7d7 Bd6b8 Rd7xg7 h7h6 Kd3c4 Bb8c7 Kc4c5 Rc8e8 Rg7d7 h6h5) +5.77/15
> 328}
> Be5 46. Bxe5 {(Bd4xe5+ Kf4xe5 Kd3c4 Ke5e6 Kc4c5 Rc8a8 Rd7xg7 f6f5 c6c7
> Ke6f6) +11.03/18 186} Kxe5 47. Kc4 {(Kd3c4 Ke5e6 Kc4c5 Rc8a8 Rd7xg7
> f6f5
> c6c7 Ke6f6 b5b6 Ra8a2) +11.09/18 184} h5 48. Kc5 {(Kc4c5 h5xg4 h3xg4
> f6f5
> g4xf5 Rc8a8 c6c7 g7g5 Rd7d8 Ra8a3) +12.13/16 159} hxg4 49. hxg4
> {(h3xg4
> Ke5e6 b5b6 Rc8a8 b6b7 Ra8a5+ Kc5b6 Ra5a2 b7b8Q Ra2b2+) +15.93/17 335}
> Ke6
> 50. b6 {(b5b6) +M384/17 297} Re8 51. b7 {(b6b7 g7g6 Rd7d3 Ke6f7 c6c7
> Re8e5+
> Rd3d5 Re5e2 c7c8Q Re2xc2+) +M384/10 0} f5 52. gxf5 {(g4xf5+ Ke6xf5
> c6c7
> Re8g8 b7b8Q) +M384/6 0} Kxf5 53. c7 {(c6c7 Re8g8 b7b8Q) +M384/5 0} Re2
> 54.
> c8=Q {(c7c8Q Re2xc2+ Kc5d4 Rc2d2+ Kd4c3) +M384/7 0} Rxc2 55. Kd4
> {(Kc5d4
> Rc2d2+ Kd4c3) +M384/5 0} Rd2 56. Ke3 {(Kd4e3) +M384/5 0} Re2 57. Kxe2
> g6
> 58. b8=Q g5 59. Qf8 Kg4 60. Rd4 Kh5 61. Qh2 Kg6 62. Qh5 Kxh5 63. Qf7
> Kh6
> 64. Rd6 {Mate} 1-0

Date: 13 Apr 2007 21:46:20
From: SAT W-7
Subject: Re: Rybka Vs. Novag Star Sapphire, Centre Counter
I like engine vs engine ..

why do you come in a chess computer discussion board if your not
interested ?

just wondering ..

Date: 13 Apr 2007 23:48:42
From: JohnnyT
Subject: Re: Rybka Vs. Novag Star Sapphire, Centre Counter
SAT W-7 wrote:
> I like engine vs engine ..
> why do you come in a chess computer discussion board if your not
> interested ?
> just wondering ..

I think that you are talking to me, even though you have quoted the
wrong message.

And I like to look over the odd game as well, I go to computer chess
sites and seek out games. I think there is stuff that is never seen yet
is important because it appears in computer games. But here there
doesn't appear to be anything interesting about the game. The best
known engine has beaten a very weak engine. It does so repeatedly.

Am I learning something here? Is there a beautiful something that I am
missing? Or is it dog bites man. The expected, the mundane. Which I
suppose is OK once, then what is the point? There are millions of
games that are not posted here, why these? What is the point? Just

Date: 14 Apr 2007 07:08:10
From: SAT W-7
Subject: Re: Rybka Vs. Novag Star Sapphire, Centre Counter
sounds ok to me then .....

Date: 14 Apr 2007 08:32:39
From: Guy Macon
Subject: Re: Rybka Vs. Novag Star Sapphire, Centre Counter

JohnnyT wrote:

>Am I learning something here? Is there a beautiful something that I am
>missing? Or is it dog bites man. The expected, the mundane. Which I
>suppose is OK once, then what is the point? There are millions of
>games that are not posted here, why these? What is the point? Just


There is a way to influence what gets discussed in a newsgroup that
works well, and another way that has never worked no matter how many
people have tried it.

What works: Post articles on the topic you wish to see discussed
and participate in the resulting discussion. Use killfiles and
filters so that you don't see the articles that you dislike.
If you don't know how to use a killfile, use good old fashioned
discipline and don't read posts by people who post articles that
you dislike. Never, ever respond to articles that you dislike.

What doesn't work: Respond to articles that you dislike, complain
about articles that you dislike, complain about posters that you
dislike, complain about how terrible everyone else is for not posting
what you want them to post. Talk about how to respond to articles
that you dislike. Make the articles that you dislike the center of
attention, the main topic of discussion, and a personal crusade.

-Guy Macon

Date: 14 Apr 2007 12:07:40
From: JohnnyT
Subject: Re: Rybka Vs. Novag Star Sapphire, Centre Counter
Guy Macon wrote:
> JohnnyT wrote:
>> Am I learning something here? Is there a beautiful something that I am
>> missing? Or is it dog bites man. The expected, the mundane. Which I
>> suppose is OK once, then what is the point? There are millions of
>> games that are not posted here, why these? What is the point? Just
>> wondering...
> There is a way to influence what gets discussed in a newsgroup that
> works well, and another way that has never worked no matter how many
> people have tried it.
> What works: Post articles on the topic you wish to see discussed
> and participate in the resulting discussion. Use killfiles and
> filters so that you don't see the articles that you dislike.
> If you don't know how to use a killfile, use good old fashioned
> discipline and don't read posts by people who post articles that
> you dislike. Never, ever respond to articles that you dislike.
> What doesn't work: Respond to articles that you dislike, complain
> about articles that you dislike, complain about posters that you
> dislike, complain about how terrible everyone else is for not posting
> what you want them to post. Talk about how to respond to articles
> that you dislike. Make the articles that you dislike the center of
> attention, the main topic of discussion, and a personal crusade.
> -Guy Macon

Um Guy,

It sounds like you need your own advice. You really haven't provided
ANY thing to this conversation at all.

I am asking a question. I went to state that I like the Usenet for its
variety in most of its form.

Y'all think I am complaining. I am not. I am sincerely asking what
the point of the postings are. "It's on topic" is obviously not working
for me. Because, well there are millions of games that aren't being
posted, and heck, most of the posts don't look like this.

But I am wondering what these posts mean. Why is this happening? What
is the point, if you will. I am not saying I dislike these, everyone is
putting words in my mouth. What I am saying is WTF? Hey even if the
answer is some odd form of stenography, I am happy. I am just asking,
why *keep* posting games between Rybka, and the 20 mhz Novag? I am
asking, because that seems to be the most interesting thing of all...
Why? The why is more interesting than the what, which seems to contain
little of interest at all after the first game.

If y'all would stop being the usenet-police for awhile, maybe the
original poster will answer the On-topic question, I will become
educated, and maybe an interesting thread will follow. Sheesh.

Date: 12 Apr 2007 15:46:27
From: JohnnyT
Subject: Re: Rybka Vs. Novag Star Sapphire, Centre Counter
I love the Usenet, I love the freedom and breadth of expression, and I
even have an appreciation for the trolls, but not so much the spam.

But I see these things come across, and I seriously ask myself... Why?

Why do I care? This is the chess equivalent of dog bites man. I mean,
yes it was interesting when you got the thing hooked up to Arena. That
was cool, even though it meant nothing to me. But this, games between
the novag and rybka. Once, I understand, maybe... But now, what are
you doing? Have you tried watching paint dry? I will admit there seems
to be a lot of effort into getting here, and for that, good job. But
seriously, now that we are here, um... WTF?

Date: 13 Apr 2007 11:40:57
From: David Richerby
Subject: Re: Rybka Vs. Novag Star Sapphire, Centre Counter
JohnnyT <[email protected] > wrote:
> I love the Usenet, I love the freedom and breadth of expression,
> and I even have an appreciation for the trolls, but not so much
> the spam.
> But I see these things come across, and I seriously ask myself...
> Why?

I'm sorry but this really is a case of, `if you don't like it, don't
read it.' Engine vs engine matches are entirely on-topic here.

> Why do I care?

Obviously, you don't. To be honest, I don't much care, either. But
the world doesn't revolve around us and people are free to discuss
things that we don't care about.


David Richerby Lead Robot (TM): it's like a high-tech robot that weighs a ton!

Date: 23 Apr 2007 02:05:05
From: Chess Sadist
Subject: Re: Rybka Vs. Novag Star Sapphire, Centre Counter

"David Richerby" <[email protected] > wrote in message
news:vzp*[email protected]...
> JohnnyT <[email protected]> wrote:
>> I love the Usenet, I love the freedom and breadth of expression,
>> and I even have an appreciation for the trolls, but not so much
>> the spam.
>> But I see these things come across, and I seriously ask myself...
>> Why?
> I'm sorry but this really is a case of, `if you don't like it, don't
> read it.' Engine vs engine matches are entirely on-topic here.
>> Why do I care?
> Obviously, you don't. To be honest, I don't much care, either. But
> the world doesn't revolve around us and people are free to discuss
> things that we don't care about.

Just as JonnyT is free to express his opinion about this matter Richerboy,

Date: 13 Apr 2007 08:07:50
From: JohnnyT
Subject: Re: Rybka Vs. Novag Star Sapphire, Centre Counter
David Richerby wrote:
> Obviously, you don't. To be honest, I don't much care, either. But
> the world doesn't revolve around us and people are free to discuss
> things that we don't care about.

I get that they may be on topic. I agreed that all of the stuff around
this was reasonable. I even let the earlier stuff pass which sort of
proved the case.

But after it has been shown it can be done, and that it has been done,
whet is being shown in these games where the best engine in town which
has been dumbed down beats the 20 mhz Novag?

If the game is interesting for some reason, shouldn't we see some
comment to that affect? All I am seeing is that Rybka, predictably,
keeps winning.

What I am asking, even if on topic, is why? Sincerely. Why? Because
I don't understand.