One of the most appealing features of chess is the number of strategies that can be used to defalut one's opponent. For every strategy, there is a counter strategy, and often times a good strategy in one situation can lead you into trouble in another situation. In every case, you should always know your opponent and tailor your strategies to oust him/her. Of course, this means that in order to be a great chess player, you should adapt your strategies accordingly to your different opponents. Knowledge comes before action. Know thy enemy, then know how to apply strategy to thy enemy.
Before any novice can move into the upper echelons of chess strategy, one must know about the dastardly technique called the four move checkmate and how to predict it's approach. It is quite easy to make quick work of less experienced player by this method. Because of its mind boggling speed, the novice will never see it coming. It is then essential to be able to detect the proper board positions of the pieces in order to properly defend one's king.